Give the gift of fashion this year ... it's good for the soul, you know.
My January 2010 GQ issue has arrived and I have torn threw it to find the upcoming trends and the ways to jazz up a wardrobe with pieces that you can recirculate through the years in your closet collection. The new year is about thinking outside of the box. It's about color coordinating to the extreme ... mixing a red polo shirt with a fuchsia polo sweater, or teal with aqua blue. Something bold and eye-catching. Vibrant. Surprising. NEW! Delicious.
Perhaps you're an office worker and don't have the free hours to go that bold and vibrant. Not a problem. In an officescape defined by bland cubicles and by-the-books colleagues, you can still do something to get noticed. GQ is sharing how you can bring some life to your business wardrobe. And of course Oliver B. is here to add in a hint of long-term style to the suggestions.
First, sport a plaid pocket square. Where is it written that the pocket square has to be plain old white? Try a patterned handkerchief into your jacket. An perhaps you can try one with a very rough texture (think burlap).
Second, discover our lost friend, the sweet and round BROWN. Wearing a black belt with black shoes is kind of like whispering; you'll never speak out of turn, but you'll never be heard, either. Now, a brown belt with brown shoes? That's a statement--loud and proud. Be sure to choose muted colors around that brown option. A nice grey suit, navy shirt look. Something that makes brown the star immediately as you look at it. You can't make brown a star when the entire cast is all brown. Think about that the next time you match from head to toe.
Third, recharge your dress shirt. A brightly colored shirt can work at the office. You just need to be sure that the style of the shirt is traditional, and if you have to wear a tie, think dark. Again, the shirt is the star, so the ensemble cast should fade into the background. Let the color do all the talking. I'm a personal fan of blue, maybe even hunter green. But these colors work with my skin tone and eye color. Be sure if you go for a bold color it is a color that will look nice on your skin tone or with your eye color. Just because you wear a style doesn't always make it the style for you. Remember that style reflects you ... so check the mirror once in a while.
Fourth, get the modern briefcase. Offered by everyone from Louis Vuitton to Banana Republic (a favorite of mine), the modern briefcase--in canvas or textured leather--makes a mature alternative to the messenger bag. It also doesn't throw off the sleek, slim lines of your wardrobe. A clumsy briefcase will damage the aesthetic look of your new style.
Fifth, get some hardware. Consider wearing accessories that anchor your look with some heft: solid frames, sturdy cuffs, a slim steel watch. You don't have to wear them all at the same time (remember Coco Chanel's teachings on accessorizing). You just want accessories that reach out and slap passersby in the face and say "notice me!" If you can get people to focus on that accessory and miss the rest of your look, you've done it. I really love the solid frames. It's very 60's (my favorite era) and it brings up images of the hot nerd (who is amazingly in style right now as THE arm accessory ... thank you Emo fashionistas for aiding in that wave of appreciation).
Finally, understand the power of three. A three-piece suit is nothing to shy away from. For many years, we all felt that it might be a little too dressy for the regular workday. Not so anymore. Once the jacket comes off in the morning, the wardrobe is still sharp. Don't knock it until you've tried it. And the one great thing I love about the vest is it adds extra buttons to your wardrobe. I love buttons ... especially when they're being undone at the end of the day ... or during it. Your call ;-)
To summarize GQ's newest issue, I have written a little song for you all to convey the lessons of the day, with a couple of extra suggestions I found in the magazine that I liked. It's my special holiday gift to the readers who keep coming back time and time again for the sporadic rantings of a visionary striving each day to make people as beautiful as the world they live in. So, for your reading pleasure, I give you "Santa Baby" Oliver B.-style:
Santa baby, slip a plaid square under the tree, for me
I've been a real voguish guy
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Santa baby, a Prada belt and Salvatore shoe, brown hue
I'll sit on the front row
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the bright dress shirts you must enlist
Next year I could be oh so GQ
If you'd check off my Christmas list
Santa honey, I want a Vuitton briefcase
Don't make that face
I've been an angel all year
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Santa cutie, there's one thing I really do need, accessories
Cartier cuff links will do
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Santa baby, and fill my fashions with three-piece suits, to boot
Check out how sharp it looks
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Come and groom me up please Jamie
With some moisturizer from L'homme Healthy
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in 'mani
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
On a brand new smartphone
Santa baby, and hurry down the runway tonight
Hurry down the runway tonight
Hurry down the runway tonight
Here's to style. Cheers!