Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Proper Attire

There is only one stylish accessory that is a must for your nighttime activities ... a fashion forward couture condom.

I have found this fantastic website where you can get premium, luxury protection. The brand is PROPER ATTIRE. Proper Attire condoms are thin, premium, lubricated sheaths that are worn on the penis during intercourse. They are created especially for the fashion-conscious woman who values style and top-notch quality. Unlike any other condom brand, every element of Proper Attire condoms has been inspired by the world of fashion, including chic packaging created by fashion designers. With six fashionable styles: Basic; Color; Dots; Sheer, Taste; and XL; these condoms are a safe yet fun and fashionable way to make sure you are fully protected.

According to a Planned Parenthood Federation of America [PPFA] spokeswoman, Proper Attire is its own corporate entity, but the condoms were designed—and are now sold—with the express purpose of raising funds for PPFA’s reproductive healthcare programs. Launched in late 2007, Proper Attire products are geared to women, specifically club-going twenty-and-thirty somethings.

In a world where more and more people are having unprotected sex, it's nice to know that the fashionable people of the world are being looked after. And believe me when I say ladies that these condoms do not disappoint. With designers such as Alexander Wang, Jeremy Scott, Christian Siriano (of "Project Runway" fame), and even Isaac Mizrahi, designing the packaging, these will be the most chic items in your handbag. Be sure to order yourself some tonight.

I believe my tip for tonight's episode of "The Fine Print of Barebacking" is that barebacking was so 40 years ago. Many of you younger people out there may have missed the 80's, but I didn't. I remember what it was like when HIV was a death sentence. A number of beautiful, fashionable people did not make it out of the 80's. Halston is one name that still hurts to this day. We lost an amazing designer, and stylish presence. But we don't have to lose any of you to the disease. It's as simple as, well, putting on a condom.

My best accessory when I go out at night is the perfect-sized glove for my love. Make it yours too.

And there you have it. When you decide to take your man candy home, be sure to carry the proper attire; it's required for entry. And remember my tip for tonight, Fashion + Safe Sex = A Do

Here's to style. Cheers!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Il Nero ha Esotismo e Sensualità

Buona sera tutti. This is Oliver B. Styles with an important public service announcement. Tonight’s airing of The Fine Print:  We're Calling "B.S." is on playing the race card. And while I rarely play the racial game, I do like to honor those that have played their hands beautifully and benefited our world at the end of the game. Amazingly, the world of fashion has taken up the cause of battling racism … and showing the world the beauty that comes in color. My post tonight is in praise of a particularly dutiful servant of the fashion industry.
How many of you out there read Italian Vogue? I’m guessing here in the United States not many do. Well, as much as I adore our American leader, Anna Wintour, at Vogue, she has certainly faltered on race relations in the magazine. Faltered? I'd dare to say failed. Surprisingly the celebration of color has now thrice come from Italian Vogue.
The July 2008 issue featured only black models, photographed by Steven Meisel, and the articles pertained to black women in the arts and entertainment. The magazine decided to showcase black models in response to anger caused by the disinclination of fashion magazines to display black models on their covers. Instead of the issue not selling as predicted due to a disinterest in black models, it became the highest selling issue of Italian Vogue ever, and has run out of print twice, which marked the first time in Condé Nast (the publisher of such gems like Vogue and GQ Magazine) history that the magazine reprinted an issue to satisfy demand.
In July 2009, BARBIE scored a starring role in Italian Vogue's most iconic edition, the Black Issue, as the magazine styled the iconic doll in a collector's supplement. This was an incredible play by Italian Vogue. To make the iconic American symbol of beauty all shades of Black, and just as beautiful as the White Barbie, was a stroke of genius. Barbie has been a mirror of the times for 50 years and continues to reflect the trends of the day. And the trend now is “My Black is Beautiful.”
Italian Vogue has even taken to adding to their website a Black Beauty page. It has the new fresh faces of Black models, style tips, and so on. All-in-all, it has been the Italians who have been better to race relations than the land of the “Melting Pot.” And this should be pointed out and celebrated.
You want “racy” fashion? Just go to Italian Vogue. It has all the race you’ll need. I myself have felt more beautiful to Germans than Italians, but that’s me.
There you have it. The Italians have played the race card, and proved that although it has been completely unwarranted, most of the world feels that most of the world won’t accept Black beauty. And even after that was disproven, most of the world still feels most of the world won’t accept Black beauty. So this race card play was completely justified, and we all won from it.
Sorry tonight wasn’t a style tip, but I’ll end my blog with a special tip based on tonight’s show: The greatest style in the world comes from diversity. If you can’t mix Abercrombie with Phat Farm, Miu Miu, or even Carolina Herrera, you’re a lost soul in the fashion world. Find yourself in other cultures and you’ll find the kind of style that transcends the ignorance of the world.
Here’s to style. Cheers!