Monday, September 15, 2008

Fashion: The Unacknowledged Candidate

Well, it was brought to my attention that I needed to take a moment and comment on the styles of politicians ... or should I say, lack of style. Here goes.

It is true, most all politicians lack a sense of real style. They have PR people, hair people, makeup people, the works to look good to the public, and yet they rarely ever do. Men look drab and lifeless, and women look like....well Janet Reno with a little more makeup. That is not a happy day for me. I don't know about you, but I would like to see the leaders of my nation looking like they are worth the praise they get in their high offices. Just because you are helping to run a country doesn't mean you have an excuse to look awful.

Like it or not people, looks do matter. The perfect example is the Kennedy clan. I think many people in fashion will never forget the mark they left on what style meant in this country.

JFK and Jackie had style. The American people not only looked to them to be the first family of the United States, but also to show them what they should be wearing or doing. When Jackie redecorated the White House, every housewife in the country watched her tour of the new decor, and started begging their husbands to let them do the same in their homes. Men groomed themselves to be a JFK, and women did the same to be Jackie.

They were not only the ideal political family, they were the ideal for how political people should look: glamorous, stylish, classic, and warm. In the wake of our current presidential disaster, it has become even more apparent that we need to return to our warmer, more glamorous days before "The Hill" became a see of black, badly-fitted suits, heels that even a grandmother shouldn't wear, and choker-style pearls. Everyone looks like they are going to a funeral. Which might be why this country is dying--wrong state of mind. Just a thought ... think about it for second.

This has to change people. I'm not saying to throw out all black suits. I am simply suggesting that maybe it would be better to vary the look up. Mix a color in the rotation, accessorize better, and get suits that fit. I have already attacked the men in a blog about their unflattering suits. This blog should really move toward attacking the women and their drab leanings for clothes. Whether you are a female politician, or a politician's wife, please learn to carry yourselves better. Honestly, there are librarians who can put together a better outfit. And that's me being kind.

I'm sure many of you think that as a politician, Sarah Palin is a decent dresser. While I do applaud some of her pieces, on the whole she is a mess when you get down to the details. She looks like she puts her makeup on with a butterknife, her glasses make her face fat, that hairdo is done, and her shoe choices leave a lot to be said for her abilities in office. I am a firm believer that shoes make a person. They tell you a lot about the person. Her shoes are lazy ... which tells me that no only does she lay there in bed, but she may lay there in office too. Whatever the man says is the gospel. But what do you expect from a stereotypical pageant girl, right?

She is not all bad though. A few minor alterations to her wardrobe would spruce her up nicely. Her glasses need to be more square. That would slim down her face a little more. Right now, she looks a little pudgy. Of course, toning down that pageant makeup would be on my top list of things she should do. And I really need her to pick a hairstyle that doesn't look like she's about to be crowned by the reigning Miss Whatever. Oh, and the shoes. She has had some good days. This photo is a picture of a good day. She splashed a little style and femininity into her wardrobe. Where did she miss the boat? ACCESSORIES!! Yes. You know those are my mainstay in any wardrobe. The red shoes just look out of place on all that serious black. A simple tweak could have been a chunky bracelet in that red color, and she could have easily had a tailor line the suit jacket in that red, and make a slit in the back of the skirt lines with that red. OR, skip the bracelet, open the jacket to see the red lining and have a necklace with a red pendant on it. Little touches like that make the red less shocking. It's okay to mix colors, but they should have some place in what you're wearing. Don't just fling color anywhere.

Now, take a look at one of her disasters:

Now, what the hell is this? Everything about it says wrong. There's no salvaging this look. If you have any piece of it, throw it in the trash immediately and don't look back.

But now you see how with just a few tweaks of a decent wardrobe, you can go from drab on The Hill to fab on The Hill. It just takes a little effort, and a personal commitment to look as good as you want to feel. You know when I feel good about myself ... powerful, intelligent, confident, organized, and in charge of my own destiny? When I am well-groomed, and looking sharp. Clothes can make the woman. It's a morale booster.

Now, on to a politician's wife. We have Michelle Obama. I promise you I am not biased at all about political parties. I equally hate all of them. But I will say that Michelle Obama is a potential first lady who is put together. McCain's wife looks nice too, but all that red on her pale skin makes her look like a hooker. I'm sorry ... a call girl ... they don't do the ho' stroll. Michelle Obama manages to pull together very dignified, and yet sexy, but still elegant looks. I have to put up photos of several looks I like. She's very fashion forward, while being classic. And that is a style worth applauding.

Doesn't that look good? We're gonna have to do something better for that hair, but a silkier perm and a little product will have the worked out.

I do want you all to pay attention to Barack and McCain in these photos. Notice that Barack has a better fitted suit. It's tailored closer to his body. That is the way it's supposed to be. We just need him out of the typical black suit. He does a decent job on ties. The color does stand out, which may be his style: accentuating the ties. That is not a bad way to go.

So, the overall message int his blog is that living in the political realm should not be an excuse to look drab and slovenly. When you have power, you should dress the part. What you wear influences people. People who don't have the power, or want it, look up to you. They wear what you wear, they shop where you shop, they read what you read, and so on. So, if you show up looking wrong, it's a message that that is okay. It's not! Professional dress is not find the ugliest stuffiest thing to wear. It is about a higher standard of elegance and dignity. I believe that was lost after Dynasty went off the's time to reclaim it. The 80's glamorous wealth & power look can still be done. This is the U.S.! Having our cake and eating it too is the American way... but we are so consumed in the power and money that we forgot what that brings ... a responsibility to set a proper example to those who will one day enter that world. That example includes how to present yourself. Join me in giving the professional look a much needed makeover.

Here's to style. Cheers!

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