So, the question of the day is this: has fashion lessened the old adage "Less is more" to the point where naked or near-naked is what's selling the clothes? I'm starting to think so. Editorials are more about skin now. It stands out so much more sometimes. And, let's be honest, it's just nice looking at an undressed beautiful body isn't it?
I am seriously rolling around the idea of a calendar business. Some skin here, some fun there, some money everywhere. It could work. I could even use the photos as attention grabbers for an image consulting business. Wouldn't you want to know more about a company advertised by hot nakedness? lol

I have seen some great photos taken ... very artistic, and barely any clothing involved. But, it's still high fashion photography. I could get down with a business revolving around looking good, and talking people out of their clothes. Not a bad life at all.
To be serious for a moment, the human body is a thing of beauty all by itself. Man or woman. So often people don't appreciate their own au naturale appearance. We cover up everything we don't like about our bodies with clothing. That's not the point of clothes people! The point of clothes is to enhance what you already have. Let's not use it to hide what we don't like. We should feel sexy naked and sexier clothed.

Try an exercise I like to do daily. After you get out of the shower, and dry off, take a look at yourself. Yes ... butt-booty naked. Just take a look. From head to toe. I want you to find something on your body that you usually overlook and compliment it. I don't care if it's a kneecap, a fold, a nook, or a cranny ... just compliment it. Do that daily. Rather than criticize what you don't like, turn it into a positive. And for each body part, think about what clothes you want to wear for the day to make that part look or feel sexy to you. Believe me, there are certain parts of your body that no one will see in your clothes, but that part will feel sexy to you in that outfit. If it doesn't, it's the wrong outfit, or you need a new wardrobe. Now that's a new spin on "less is more." The less you criticize your body, the more confidence you'll have in it, and the better you'll feel about yourself.
Confidence in the best look on anyone.
Here's to style. Cheers!
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