Like many of you fashionable people out there, I have not been a fan of Deréon clothes. You know them when you see them. Flashy, ghetto fab clothes on the racks of stores like Macy's or Dillard's, or your local ghetto fashions store. I hate it. I find it tacky, and a waste of child labor.

But what I was made aware of recently is that there are two separate lines with the name Deréon. There is the House of Deréon, which is run by Beyonce and her mother Tina. Those clothes I can actually appreciate. The line are nice. It's a good combination of the 40's, 70's and modern era. This is the right line to look too. Of course there are a few mistakes, like the lace dress, but overall they are brand new in the fashion world, and every designer makes mistakes. If you want proof, look at Ugly Betty. You've seen her clothes, right? It's a known fact that all of her clothes are designer couture. The stylist for the show intentionally finds the ugliest pieces of designer collections for Betty. Yeah ... so I can certainly forgive a lace dress from a newcomer.
The other line, the one people are most familiar with, is Deréon. I don't like this line.

This is the tacky, flash-filled disastrous line. I was interested to find out that Beyonce extended this line in collaboration with her sister, Solange. Why am I not surprised by this? That child's taste does lean more towards the ghetto fabulous, and slightly "scoochie," as Jamila calls it, styles. She just doesn't have Beyonce's more polished appearance. That is a shame because I would say Solange is more high fashion than Beyonce in her looks. Beyonce is typically beautiful. Solange has a beauty through several flaws ... which is a recipe for high fashion modeling. But lord her taste in clothes do not match up. And she proves with her own line of clothing with Deréon. Most of it is a hot tacky mess.
So, that is pretty much the extent of this blog. I wanted to make clear that my ban against the clothing line is directed at Deréon, not House of Deréon. That does work smoothly with my feelings of the two leaders of both lines. I find Beyonce to be a classic, and yet innovative dresser, and her line follows suit. Solange is a hot mess, and her line follows. So, if you have the money, check out House of Deréon.
Here's to style. Cheers!
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