Tonight's blog is on timeless styles. What are they? How should people wear them? Fashion is not an exact science in all aspects. There are certain things that one can do in order to always be in style.
So, below you will find my style must-haves that will turn any of you into a timeless fashionista.
1. Jeans
Yes, jeans. Ladies and Gentlemen, these are here to stay. The idea of jeans began all the way back in the 16th century, so it is clear they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. They hit their height of popularity beginning in the 1950s, but they have been around for quite some time. Now, we have them in any different styles, fabrics, colors. They are fabulous. And they are a timeless pant.
The way you should wear them is where we divide trendy with timeless. YOUR JEANS SHOULD FIT!!! A good pair of jeans should hug a woman's curves comfortably, but not tightly. Think Valentino here ladies. Valentino gowns caress a woman like a man's hand. Your jeans should do no less. I am a fond believer in the straight leg as a staple in your closet. They can be paired off with many styles of shoes. So, in the jeans department ladies, you should find a pair of jeans that fit at your actual waist (low rise will not be timeless), that break at the bottom just right, and that hug your body just right. With that said, understand that not every wash, or cut, will fit you and look great. You should be able to stand and sit wearing them, and still be comfortable. It's a hard task, I know. But, the reward is the perfect jean that will always be in your closet waiting to jazz up any outfit you create for the occasion.
Men, jeans should be at your waist as well. Our waist for jeans should be at the beginning of our love line ... that V just below the belly button. Your jeans Should sit right on your ass, comfortably, and without moving once you are dressed. So, YOUR JEANS SHOULD FIT TOO!!! For those of you unaware, sagging is believed to have originated in prison. Prisoners are not allowed to wear belts for fear of hanging themselves, etc. So, their clothes sag. This is the more pleasant explanation of sagging, linked to why men equate this style with being "hard." The reality of the trend is, or at least has been thought to be the reality is, that sagging was used by the prison bitches so that they weren't caught fucking. When you sag in prison (where many don't have underwear to wear), your ass is exposed just underneath your shirt. You can easily lift that shirt up, presenting your ass for your "husband," and he can go to town on you. If a guard walks by, your husband can easily dismount, and you both can be on your way without anyone being the wiser since you didn't have to adjust any of your clothing. Stop being bitches men. Pull your pants back up, get a pair that fit (not 8 sizes larger than you), and let's go from their. A classic pair of Levi's on a man can't be sexier.
2. Accessories
I have said it over and over again. Accessories make an outfit. Now, this area is a little tricky because accessories do follow trends. However, there are some must-haves that you can always fall back on any decade, and be alright.
You will always need a string of pearls. I tend to recommend the longer strands of pearls that can be wrapped several times, or tied, or just worn long. They are more versatile than the shorter strands. Pearls are classic, and will always be a glamor choice. They can go elegant, trendy, day, night, and so on. You will need to do your homework on pearls to make sure you select properly. But, like the jeans, once you have them ... they will be used for years to come.
You will always need a watch. There should always be a watch in your dresser that isn't flashy, but is sophisticated, and masculine. Think Movado ... A James Bond style of watch.
3. The Little Black Dress
That's right. A woman should always have a little black dress that is fit for a funeral, a night out, or a night in ;-). Coco Chanel created this little number, but it is something that every woman should have in her closet. It's all all-purpose fashion, and when you have the right one ... timeless. The trick to this one though is to buy it thinking ahead. You should be able to wear it now, and have it be altered later if necessary. So, your little black dress should not be that little. It should be a grown woman's dress. Not meant for street trash. I cannot stress that enough ... the highest it should go is just above the knee. Strict adherence to this rule should be observed. You might want this dress to go with your pearls, so have that in mind when selecting both.
4. The Perfect Suit
Please see my previous blog about this guys. It is a must-have for every man.
5. Matching Personality
For my final must-have for timeless style, I recommend that you understand your personality, and the vibe you put out in the world. Your clothes should reflect who you are. If you are an elegant person, you won't pull off the rocker look. So, don't try it.
My suggestion for both men and women is to sit down, flip through a few catalogs and fashion magazines, and really think about the person you want to project to the world. There is no one look for everyone. Even the staples I mentioned above have variations depending on the person. So, your must-have is to have a personality that matches your style. Risky fashions look out of place on a reserved person, and reserved fashions look wrong on a person who always takes risks. If you aren't the type for the clothes, be careful of wearing it. You make your look.
These are my best must-haves for timeless fashions. Each of the above items are what I recommend that we all have in our closet, regardless of what style you like, your body type, whatever.
I understand that this blog may be a little vague to you, and may not answer every question you have. You have to understand that personal style is just that. It is hard to write a general blog geared toward such a case-by-case issue. My blogs are meant to guide you in the right direction. I want you to think about what I have suggested, and do the work it takes to learn more. I hope to be a consultant one day on this type of thing so that you can each come to me individually. That way, I can go into a more detailed analysis of your personal needs, and help you more. For now, you will all have to do with taking my suggestions broadly, and using them to guide you specifically.
Here's to style. Cheers!